Flying Scot North American Championship
Pictures from the Flying Scot North American Championship are posted.
Photos from the Women & Junior Championship have been posted.
Pictures from the Flying Scot North American Championship are posted.
Photos from the Women & Junior Championship have been posted.
It has been a few years and it is finally time to post a revamped version of my website. The primary use of the site has been to share and display photos from friends, sailing, soccer and other events I attend. The site works much better now for pictures. Also included is a Content Management and photo blogging tool. I have no intention of spilling my guts out here, but it’s a quick and easy way for me to hightlight things I’ve been doing and link to other sites as well as display random photos.
Future Enhancements:
I’ve posted my pictures from my Trip to Italy…. check them out.
I got few pictures of the lunar eclipse tonight. Check em out here.
Photos are posted of the 2007 Interclub Midwinters are posted here.
Photos of the 2006 Interclub Nationals are posted here.
I was in Norfolk to help Norfolk Yacht and Country Club put on the USODA Nationals. I helped with a variety of things from running the starts/finishes for the Green Fleet, keeping score for the Green Fleet, monitoring the weather for the championship fleet and of course taking a lot of pictures.