2011 Oyster Shell Triathlon
On Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend I participated in my first Oyster Shell Triathlon. It’s an event that started about 4-5 years ago among a group of friends looking for something to do on Memorial Day Weekend and so they started this race. There were just under 30 participants this year and there have been as many as 40 in the past.
The course is a little nontraditional – it starts with swim which turns into a slog – a combination of running in water and swimming. Then a 2-mile bike ride followed by a swim back to the starting point. The final stretch is a ~1 mile run around the Deltaville Maritime Museum and back to the finish.
No times are kept and it’s all for good fun. Considering I signed up for it about 10pm at a party the night before, I felt pretty good about finishing mid-pack. It was a ton of fun and I look forward to doing it again next year.
At some point I’ll post some video [update: video here]. In the mean time, here are some pictures of the Oyster Shell Triathlon.

The Course:

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