This evening I arrived at Lake Norman Yacht Club for the 2013 Board Bash Regatta. This is a regatta for ‘board’ boats such as Lasers, Sunfish and Optis and it looks as if 80 total boats are signed up with the biggest fleet being the Sunfish with 19 and 16 Lasers in the fleet I’ll be sailing in.

I’ve never been to LNYC, but heard a lot about it from FBYC Flying Scot sailors and wanted to give it a try. I’ve also wanted to do more events on the Laser District 12 Series and this will be the first of 2 events I’ll be at this year.
After setting up the tent in a primo spot on the point, I got the boat off the car and finished up my daggerboard project. The club has a lot of property and I smartly brought my bike to get myself from one end of the property to the other. All we need for tomorrow is for the rain to hold off and the wind to give us something to sail with.

During the regatta I’ll be posting my updates at @jondeutsch and the regatta twitter account is @bbash2013