Category: Life
Weeknight Boat Trip
Took a few friends out on the boat Wednesday evening. Here’s a short video of mostly Keith and Kevin in and out of the tree.
FBYC Annual Junior Regatta
Photos are posted of the 2010 FBYC Annual Junior Regatta. I had a prime vantage point on the Race Committee boat where I was the scorer. It was also a great opportunity to do a trial run of some new technology I’m getting configured. I’ll soon have the ability to take pictures and beam them via wifi directly from my new camera to a computer or website. More on that once I get it completed.
Photos in US Snipe Sailor
This month a few of my photos were published in US Snipe Sailor. When I got the request I was quite surprised that my photos of Lasers were wanted for an article in the US Snipe Class magazine.
Not how to do it
At a recent softball game I was caught on camera spectacularly missing a catch in the outfield. Better luck next time.
More photos from this game are here.
Gwynn Island Circumnavigation
Saturday I sailed the Laser out of Fishing Bay and circumnavigated Gywnn Island. The wind was out of the South-South East from 8-12 knots in the Piankatank to 14-18+ out in the bay. I started with a 2 hour beat upwind heading first east, and then south down the Chesapeake Bay. Out a mile offshore sailing upwind in 15+ in the standard rig was great with steady wind and some good wave action. At the 2 hour mark I entered the channel at the south end of the island and sailed the 1 ½ hour mostly downwind sail back to FBYC. I ended up sailing roughly 20 miles and I could not have asked for a better day of sailing.
New Camera
I pulled the trigger on a new digital SLR camera recently. My Nikon D70 is going on 5 1/2 years old and is starting to become un-reliable. I’ve got quite a few events this summer that I want to be able to take pictures at and need a camera that just works.
Unfortunately Nikon hasn’t come out with the camera I really want. I’d like to get whatever camera replaces the D300s assuming it does video with auto focus.
Since the D300s replacement is likely a year away, I bought a Nikon D3000. This is the most entry-level SLR in Nikon’s current lineup. It’s a cheap camera that I got factory refurbished on eBay that should hold me over for a year or so.
The camera doesn’t have stellar reviews, but it’s still an upgrade over my older camera. The bigger screen is a huge improvement. I’ll miss some of the dials and controls available on the higher-end camera, but again, this is a temporary camera. It’s a lot smaller than the old camera and I had to put one of my smallest lenses on it for the picture above just to make it not look like a dwarf next to the larger lenses.
Current camera equipment:
Nikon D3000
Nikon D70
Nikon 18-55 AFS F2.8
Nikon 70-200 AFS VR F2.8
Nikon 10.5 AFS F4 Fisheye
Nikon 50mm AF F1.8
Memorial Day Weekend
This past weekend was a ton of fun and I’m still in denial that it’s over. I spent almost 5 days living out of my car traveling all over eastern VA and eastern NC. I took off Friday and headed down to Figure 8 Island near Wrightsville Beach to spend time at a beach house with Dan, Lauren, Patrick and a few other Richmond friends. With a full house I ended up spending two nights by the beach in a tent. It was beautiful weather for sleeping outside and I preferred it over the house. Sunday I got to see a beach sunrise which I’m rarely ever up for when I’m at the beach.
Sunday I drove back to Deltaville for two days of practice with the FBYC Campaign for the NYYC Invitational Cup Team. I sailed on the Sonar Sunday afternoon. We had a good wind, but a storm loomed on the horizon and we had to head in early. The storm never came and it was a beautiful afternoon so I got in a little Laser sailing.
Our practice on Monday didn’t start until noon, so Maria, her friend and I took Lasers out in the morning and I sailed until I had to be back for practice. This time I was on one of the Colgate 26s. Despite being similar in size to the Sonar, there are quite a few differences in how the boat is handled. After practice I headed back to Richmond for a cookout before finally arriving home.
This has been one awesome weekend. I got to hang out with a lot of different people and had a blast with all of them. It’s going to be tough to top that weekend this summer.
Side Note: At this point I’ve already put 10,000 miles on my car this year. Compared to this time last year I was closer to 6,000. With trips to Deltaville and beyond planned for almost every weekend through October, I’m going to be doing a lot of driving this year.
Sailing, Sailing and more Sailing
I got to do a lot of sailing this weekend; first on Wavelength on Saturday sailing to a 2nd place overall finish in the Spring Series. Saturday evening five of us – mostly Front Runner sailors – went out on Lasers for a nice evening sail. Sunday morning was laser racing against Brad and Maria. And finally Sunday evening we took out the Sonar that we’ll be using for NYYC Invitational Cup Qualifying Series practice for its maiden voyage.