Housewarming Cheers

After many months of work on the house I finally got it in ship shape and threw a housewarming party. I was joined by friends from work, kickball, high school, soccer and others and everyone had a great time at the bar, play pool, or on the patio playing beer pong and flip cup. Thank you to everyone who came and I am looking forward to many more parties just like it. Here are photos.

The Company Softball Team Website Screen Shot

This week my softball team kicks off our season. The team is comprised mostly of my co-workers and it has been 4 years since we last had a team. To help the team captain manage the team and provide a way to share information, stats, photos and anything else we might want, I created a website – This is my first project using WordPress and I think it turned out pretty well. I hope to get a little more familiar with the software and start using it for my other websites to save myself some of the trouble of hand coding everything. And follow the team on twitter @companysoftball.

2009 House under snow

Here’s a photo of the house on 3/2 after the snowfall the night before. It’s been a week since I moved in and I am slowly getting settled. Hopefully in a few more weeks these boxes will be gone and I’ll get some photos of the renovation/moving posted.