Building Lighter Nested Cornhole Boards

Last summer/fall some Laurie, Jess and I started a project to build 4 sets of nested 1/2 weight corn hole boards.  We were inspired by a cornhole board set we had seen recently and came up with a design that would take up less space and not weigh as much as a standard set built with 3/4″ plywood and 2x4s.

Using 1/2″ plywood and some 1×3 pieces of wood we built a set that contained 1 inner and 1 outer board that would nest together with a handle to carry them.  The cornhole bags could then be stored in between the boards.  The playing surface of the boards is the standard 24″x48″

The ‘outer’ board has the 1×3 border going all the way around the outside.  On one side, a wide hole is cut in the middle of the 1×3 to pass a rope handle through.  This hole weakens the board a bit, so we added another strip of 1×3 just inside the bag hole to provide some more strength seen below in the middle and  right boards.

The inner board has the 1×3 offset inside the edge so that it can fit inside of the outer board.  The top and bottom of the board have the 1×3 offset by just 3/4″.  The sides of the board have the 1×3 offset with enough space for the legs of the boards to fit in between.  When the boards are nested the holes & legs should be at opposite ends.  That way there is just enough space for 1 width of legs between the inner and outer boards when nested.

Corn Hole Board Nested diagram

Beyond the actual construction of the boards we had a lot of fun painting them with our own designs.

On top of the paint – we use a clear glossy polyurethane to give it a nice finish and protect it.


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10 Comments on “Building Lighter Nested Cornhole Boards

  1. hard to see from the pictures, wondering what the leg pattern is for the board that has legs mounted outside of the frame? I’m looking to make a lighter set for myself for camping these nested boards look great. Notice any bounce difference going from 3/4′ down to a half inch deck?


    PS paint looks awesome too!

  2. Very interested in these lighter weight boards. Do you sell these boards, or offer directions for someone else to make?

    • Gayle- no plans other than the diagram posted. Thus far just made them as a proof of concept and to fit our own needs/space and hopefully inspire others.

  3. Thanks for putting this up. My daughter plays a sport in college and I wanted to make her one that had less size and weight so they might take it on road trips. Your Idea is what I also came up with but had not yet defined the materials yet to reduce weight even further. One question is I believe the board needs to be 4″ high on the low end. How did resolve this with a 1 x 3 and 1/2″ ply that is only 3 1/2″. not that to a none professional like me it matters much. I do love it and thanks for sharing.

    • Ulrich – For the casual playing these boards are used for, being off 1/2″ hasn’t been noticeable and worth the trade-off of lighter boards. I suppose legs or something could be added to account for this, but the complexity is not worth it in my view.

  4. Hey Jon! I like this plan for the carrying feature and lighter weight. Could you please post a materials and cut list?

    Also, how is the “bounce” of these boards with the 1/2″ ply and 1×3 frame? Could you get away without the “brace & shelf” piece too, and still not have too bad of “bounce?”

  5. Thanks in advance! I’ve been planning on making a new set that is light and portable, and I LOVE this idea. Will be building in a couple days

  6. So I build cornhole boards in my free time for family and friends. My brother would like me to build a set for his stepson. Unfortunately, he lives across the country from me in Cali. I’m looking for a lighter way to build them in the case I can do so and ship without spending an arm and a leg to get them to him. Do you know how much the set weighs?

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