2024 FBYC July 4th Long Distance Race
A beautiful 4th of July day greeted nearly 30 boats for the Long Distance Race at Fishing Bay Yacht Club. I was sailing the ILCA against Melges 15, Flying Scot, San Juan 21 and Wetas in a Portsmouth Handicap race that sailed from Fishing Bay, out of the Piankatank near Stingray Point and back into the river finishing in Fishing Bay. I also used this as an opportunity to try out some new camera positions with the Insta360 X4 on the mast and the insta360 AcePro on a new stern mount (more on that to come).

Out on the water we had about 8 knots out of the south. Approaching the start – with so many boats much bigger than I was, I wanted to be near the boat so I could tack out and keep my air clear. There were several other Melges 15s hanging around the boat as well. In the final minute lead up to the start as I was coming up to the boat, one of the Melges 15s tried to barge in and gybed right in front of me causing me to avoid them. I hailed protest and they sailed away to do turns. Unfortunately, in dealing with that and not having the space I should have had, I got to the boat too early. Knowing I was over early, I sheeted in to go around the boat and restart with about 20 seconds to go. But then I looked back and the new mount for the AcePro on the back of the boat was nowhere to be seen. I slid back to see that the mount had failed and it was now pointed below the water filming the bottom of the boat. Thankfully everyone else was over the line early earning us all a general recall and a chance for me to fix the camera and restart with everyone else.

The second start went a lot better. I was able to win the boat and stay in clear air on the first beat. I arrived at the first weather mark with 3-4 Melges 15s ahead of me and a San Jaun 21 and a Weta just behind me. The second leg was a reach to Piankatank 8 and the boats with asymmetrical spinnakers were able to carry them and cruise by everyone. I did my best despite dropping a couple spots. At Piankatank 8, we headed downwind to the North towards Stingray Point. Another Melges 15 and a couple Flying Scots got past me on this leg.
The next leg started the journey back along the same course we came from. Sailing upwind I favored the right towards Stove Point to stay out of the current. I’m not sure, but I think there was more wind to the Left and Mark W, who was also in an ILCA was further out and made up some ground on me. From Piankatank 8 to 11 was a close reach, thankfully close enough that the spinnaker boats couldn’t deploy them. I rounded 11 to head downwind on the final leg to the finish in Fishing Bay. I was the 12th boat to finish and ended up being 8th on corrected time.
Thanks to Lew and his crew for running the races. It was a great way to spend a Thursday on the 4th of July.